Enquire Now
01625 907 917

Space to absorb your seasonal or excess demand. Space that can grow with you, on an as required basis rather than committing to long leases or commercial mortgages. It’s the ideal solution to your warehousing needs, especially during times of economic uncertainty when you may temporarily exceed the limits of your existing storage capacity.
Need More Warehousing?
Our Space Is Your Space
Over 300,000 Sq Ft
At Your Disposal
Over 300,000 sq ft (and growing) of contracted warehousing strategically located across the UK to serve all locations and all requirements. Our state-of-the art facilities are suitable for storing all categories of materials and products, from standard to specialist, including:
Temp controlled

Your Goods
In Safe & Secure Hands
From the moment they arrive to the moment they leave, we treat your goods the way they should be treated. Carefully, diligently and responsibly. All our warehousing conforms to BRC accreditation and UKWA membership standards. Safety and security provisions available include:
Full insurance
Fire alarm and sprinkler systems
Monitored CCTV
On site patrols
Key holder facilities
Emergency response
Think Of Our Warehousing As
Your Space On Demand
After all, that's precisely what it is. Ready and waiting to safely and securely store your materials and products, whatever their nature. As much or as little as you need, where you want it, when you want it. For as long or short a duration as you require.
And if you’re thinking this sounds like a space solution that’s as flexible to your requirements as to constitute a precision fit, guess what? You’re right.

How Cost Effective Is It?
You'll Be Pleasantly Surprised
Discover just how cost effective our space solutions can be for your organisation. Call us now on 01625 590 917 or complete our Warehousing Enquiry form...
Warehousing Enquiry
Unit 1
Candy Lane
SK10 4LZ
T: 01625 907 917
E: info@e-gologistics.co.uk
Company Reg No: 14962525
© 2023 E-GO Logistics Limited. All rights reserved.